Anderson, Dan and Betty
Countries: USA
Ministry Description: Pastor Dan serves at the Union Rescue Mission as the Pastor of 175 employees and the Director of Church Relations. He has also started a non-profit, Deed & Truth, to provide for gaps in the services being rendered in the effort to help those experiencing homelessness and poverty in the name of Jesus.
Websites: /
Prayer Requests:
- Adjusting in transition
- Becoming familiar with the new cultures
- Living at Skid Row
- Wisdom to care for the significant spiritual needs of a large staff
- Cooperation from church leaders to partner in the efforts to build on-going relationships at the Mission
Ball, Jerry and Kathy
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Directors of Resource Development for International Leadership Foundation (ILF), a subsidiary of CRU. We raise resources in the USA and train people in other nations how to raise resources locally. The ILF mission is to build leaders of integrity who will lead transformation in their nations. ILF began in Africa and is now expanding to Eastern Europe, South Korea and Latin America.
Our focus is on individual nations:
– Leadership vevelopment with character as the foundation
– National development with moral vision as the foundation
– Building leaders of integrity
– Inculcating the whole gospel to the whole person
– Facilitating transformation in individual lives and in all societal domains
– Seeing entire nations acknowledging Jesus Christ as their sovereign King and applying biblical principles in national policies and practices
Agency: CRU and
Prayer Requests:
- A growing group of monthly supporters for ILF expansion.
- Favor with new connections in Sioux Falls, SD, who have a heart for Africa.
- The consultation in late April in Accra, Ghana, to mobilize the church to take the Sahara Belt for Christ and stop the advance of radical Islam
Becker, Cathy
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Every ministry must have a purpose which defines its existence and propels it to accomplish its mission. Evangelizing the world lies at the heart of the ministry of Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI). “Equipping leaders to plant five million dynamic churches to reach the world for Christ” is more than a mission statement; it is our mandate from the Lord.
Leadership development and reproduction is the key to seeing the vision of five million churches achieved. By training trainers DCPI will multiply its capacity to accomplish its most basic vision, to reach the world for Christ through the evangelism methodology of church planting.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for DCPI to train 29,000 church planters in 86 countries this year.
- Pray for favor and faith in all our plans and implementation.
Camp, Bruce
Countries: Confidential
Missionary Description: Confidential
E: Confidential
Agency: Confidential
Prayer Requests:
- Ask God to grant me wisdom with every staff member I counsel.
Cannon, Doug
Countries: China
Ministry Description: Coming soon
Carden, Paul and Lisa
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: The Centers for Apologetics Research are a unique international network of evangelical cult research and education agencies. Our main goal is to equip Christians in the developing world and post-communist nations for discernment, the defense of the faith, and cult evangelism. While a number of ministries seek to fulfill this biblical mandate in North America, there are next to none in the regions we serve, where many cultic movements are growing most quickly and with the least resistance; it is this need that the Centers were founded to meet.
Prayer Requests:
- For the growth of “Test Before You Trust,” our discernment outreach to high-school and college students in East Africa
- For our Russian-language Online Apologetics Bible—the only one of its kind—as we seek new ways to promote it in the former Soviet Union
- For the publication of the French-language version of our apologetics notebook for African pastors
- For follow-up with our ministry contacts at last month’s Urbana missions conference
Deckert, Chris and Kristin
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Chris and Kristin Deckert work with the The JESUS Film Project; a ministry of CRU. Chris is the Team Leader of the Script Translation Strategies and Language Research Department. He helps to coordinate a new initiative to translate 865 unreached languages into the JESUS Film. He will lead a team researching and prioritizing these new languages for translation teams while meeting with Bible translation agencies to facilitate the translation of the Gospel of Luke.
Prayer Requests:
I coordinate translation workshops with the JESUS Film and we have multiple workshops coming up in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America over the next few months.
- Please pray for the millions of people who will be impacted by hearing the Gospel for the first time in their heart languages.
- Pray for the many logistical and technical details needed to bring the workshops to fruition.
- Pray for the spiritual growth of our three children and their deepening walk with God.
- Pray for younger people to join the JESUS Film to travel the world recording and dubbing the new languages as they are completed.
- Pray for people to join my team to help in coordinating language translation of the JESUS Film script.
Gondwe, Kennedy
Countries: Africa
Ministry Description: Coming Soon
Haupt, Mick and Clarice
Countries: USA
Ministry Description: Mick brings visual excellence to the entire ministry of Cru as a graphic designer, photographer, creative consultant and project manager. He also invests time mentoring younger leaders at Cru and through his local church. Clarice serves as field staff with Cru High School, investing in young women at Edgewater High School in Orlando, FL. Her passion is helping inner city girls grow in Christ and maintaining their sexual purity.
Blog: and
Prayer Requests:
- Mick is working on the president of Cru, Steve Douglass’, website. Pray for good collaboration with other on the team and creative solutions to make this an effective website.
- Effective communicating of the gospel in word and deed to neighbors, friends and family.
Hoxhaj, Patriot and Keli
Countries: Albania
Ministry Description: The Hoxhajs’ and their team reach out to individuals, families, communities and nations in Albania and Balkans through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). The aim of CHE is to establish a development ministry whose purpose is to bring together Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 25:37-40). This is accomplished by training community members as Community Health Evangelists who regularly visit 10 – 15 neighboring households, sharing the gospel and promoting principles of disease prevention and healthy living. The program is designed to be transferable, multipliable, and ongoing after the training team leaves the area.
Agency: Medical Ambassadors Foundation
Prayer Requests: TBA
Jayakumar, Dr. Jay
Countries: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka
Ministry Description: Dr. Jay is involved in mentoring, training, and mobilizing church planting movement leaders at large; setting strategies for new regions where BBCM is exploring for new church plants; training the church planters of “Indigenous reproductive church plants” project of BBCM in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka; writing course curriculum for new courses in ACPL apart from teaching; and writing missiological and mission related articles for intl. journals. Along with his commitments with BBCM, he also gives leadership to an accrediting agency Indian Institute of Inter Cultural Studies under which 60+ training institutions do function.
Agency: / /
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for regional leaders for our project “one indigenous, reproductive, and disciple making church for every 10,000 people.”
- Direction and provision from the Lord for establishing some kind of income generating projects to support future mission developments in BBCM.
Juarez, Nelson and Consuelo
Countries: El Salvador
Ministry Description: Disciple new believers, equip them, and prepare them to be plant and be leaders of new churches.
Facebook: La Ruta Del Peregrino
Prayer Requests:
- Our children, Nigel and Marjorie, finish high school in June. Pray with us that they may begin university education somewhere around the world during the next school year.
- Pray for a new means of personal transportation as our ministry and family needs require dependable means of travel.
- Pray for the completion of construction on the central church in Chalchuapa, El Salvador.
Khalif, Kamal and Randa
Ministry Description: Coming soon
Lenty, Christian and Nui
Countries: Thailand
The MST Project
Mentoring Men, Strengthening Marriages, Teaching Truth
Ministry Description: Have you ever felt that life is a little overwhelming and you just want a break? You feel like work never stops, your marriage feels routine and lacks excitement, and you want an escape, if only for a brief moment. But it’s in those moments that one may make a decision that leads to regret and much more. That’s where The MST Project can help. Since 2007, we have helped men worldwide walk away from unhealthy habits and hurtful choices. We are here to help through our On The Street initiative talking to men who frequent red-light districts to our Pathway to Purity initiative mentoring men into a lifestyle of sexual purity. But what if your need for help doesn’t involve sexual temptation or purity struggles? That’s where our Real Men Pursuing Purity initiative can offer you community support through quarterly events and weekly connect groups geared towards encouraging you into a deeper pursuit of spiritual wholeness and Christlike maturity. The MST Project is committed to offering hope to all men everywhere and helping each man realize their full potential.
Facebook: @christianandnui, @christianlenty
Instagram: @ChristianLenty
LinkedIn: Christian Lenty
Agency: The MST Project is a ministry of YWAM Thailand
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for the 20+ men worldwide that Christian mentors weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.
- Please pray for the men worldwide going through his book, A Pathway to Purity, learning to walk in sexual purity, consistent freedom, and life-long victory. The book is available in English, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese.
- Please pray for the Real Men Pursuing Purity quarterly events hosted on Zoom and the weekly connect groups in North America, Europe, Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
Lopez, BJ and Andrea
Countries: Cambodia
Ministry Description: Imagine if you had no books. No commentaries, no theological works. As Christians we are impacted by books in a very large way. But in Cambodia, God-centered books are virtually non-existent in the Khmer language. At Action Cambodia, we desire to see God-centered, God-glorifying books translated into the Khmer language so that pastors as well as lay people can benefit from teachers of the past as well as the present. The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “When you come bring…the books” (2 Tim. 4:13). And just as Paul put a high priority on his books, we desire that Cambodia would have the opportunity and privilege to benefit, as we have, from biblical resources in their own language, written by the pillars of the faith throughout the centuries. Besides developing biblical resources we believe that Caring for orphans is a simple outflow of God’s own care of us, having adopted us as His own sons and daughters (Rom. 8:15). We therefore imitate Him (Eph. 5:1), in adopting and caring for those who have no one else. There are many orphans in Cambodia, and Action Cambodia has taken an active role in the lives of the ones that God has providentially placed in our path. Our goal is for them to grow and mature, desiring not only their physical health, but also their spiritual well-being. On the Action Cambodia team, the Lopez’s have adopted Cambodian children, and raise them as their own. They have called their house-orphanage Mordechai’s Courage.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for Bj as looks for opportunities to distribute our biblical resources that our team has been producing to strengthen the church.
- Pray for our upcoming meetings with a few lawyers regarding our boys adoption. We were told by the consular officer at US embassy to hire a lawyer to help us get through this ongoing process.
- Pray for Sarah as she completes her senior year of high school at Logos International school. It’s amazing to see her doing so well even though she’s only been speaking English for 9 years.
- Pray that the children they have been adopted will gain a God-given courage to live for Him in a dark world
Mankins, Chad and Janeene
Countries: Papua New Guinea
Ministry Description: Bible translation, church planting and literacy development among the remote Tobo people group of Papua New Guinea.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the Tobo people in the Cliffs and Stone villages. There has been widespread rejection of hearing the Gospel due to increasing fervor among those of the cargo cult organization which is prevalent in the area, and thus far doors have been closed to both our family and that of our Tobo coworker Ambox to teach God’s Word to people.
- Pray for good continued progress in the translation of the Tobo New Testament and also in developing Bible lessons to help the small band of believers continue to grow and learn.
Melendes, Greg and Laura 
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Greg and Laura have been involved in church planting and bible translation projects for four decades. Having completed the Waxe New Testament, Greg and Laura continue to support translation projects worldwide and an ongoing support ministry to the Waxe churches through New Tribes Mission. Greg is an international bible translation consultant who travels widely to check, improve and approve translation projects heading toward publication. Laura develops literacy and bible teaching materials for the Waxe elders as they help the believers toward maturity in Christ. As they can, they continue to travel to Papua New Guinea to encourage the Waxe church.
Prayer Requests:
- Safety and good health for Greg as he travels to remote areas, and for safety and wisdom for Laura and Aubrey as they remain home in Colorado Springs
- Hearts would be changed and churches planted by means of God’s Spirit using faithful, accurate and natural bible translations in those language groups blessed to have them
- The thousands of language groups without Scripture in their heart language would soon have it for their own
- The Waxe Church’s continued growth in truth, grace and love, lived out daily in their very remote community
Robertson, Peter and Adelia*
*names have been changed for protection
Countries: Confidential
Ministry Description: Peter and Adelia live in Indonesia, where they oversee a network of ministries designed to reach, disciple and empower children and youth to be the next generation of powerful leaders for the Kingdom of God in that country. They work with national partners doing ministry through Christian schools, children’s homes, a national teacher training program, a work skills and discipleship program, and youth outreach. They have plans to open a Christian university and a camping ministry in 2016-17.
E: Confidential
Agency: Confidential
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for the students who are being discipled in our ministry that recruits, trains and sends out national missionary teachers. Also students in our work skills program which provides intensive discipleship to young men industrial training
- Please pray that God would watch over and guide us step by step as we advance with plans to open a university, school and another ministry
Robison, David and Tomo
Countries: Japan
Ministry Description: Dave and Tomo Robison moved to Japan in 2013 to serve as missionaries among the coastal cities of Iwate prefecture which were devastated by the 2011 tsunami. They have two young children, Titus and Felicity. At the time of the disaster there were no Christian missionaries serving anywhere in the prefecture of Iwate, yet in the months and years that followed, thousands of short and mid term Christian workers came to the region, demonstrating and sharing the love of Christ with the victims in their hour of need. In the wake of this great outpouring of love we are working in partnership with a Japanese network of churches, involved in evangelism, discipleship and church planting, as long term missionaries dedicated to seeing the work God began in the aftermath of this disaster come to fruition.
Prayer Requests:
Dave is preparing to give his first sermon in Japanese. Pray for God’s direction in preparing the content of the sermon, and that he will be able to present it in a way which is clear and easy to understand.
Church planting in Iwate had nearly come to halt in the years leading up to the tsunami, but since 2011 there have been four new churches started, and an additional church plant planned. Pray for these new churches to grow and have a large impact on their communities.
There are currently more churches than pastors in Iwate, and unfortunately two more pastors will be resigning this year. Pray for God to send more pastors and workers to this area to support existing churches and help in starting new churches.
Sala, Bonnie
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Bonnie Sala, is head of Guidelines International Ministries. The Guidelines’ Commentary is the longest short-format program on Christian radio and is heard in 49 states and in 112 countries in 11 languages.
Wycliffe Missionaries*
*names have been changed for protection
Countries: Confidential
Ministry Description: This couple lived in a sensitive country for over a decade and now serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators. Currently they have a dual role. During the summer months, they serve on staff at a missionary training program, which trains people for service in literacy, translation, and other types of language work. In a typical summer session more than 100 students attend the program. Graduates work with many different organizations, all over the world. This couple also continues to be directly involved in the work in the country that they previously lived in. They supervise language workers on the field, making periodic visits to their country of service and keeping in close touch through online meeting software. With years of experience in training, counseling, administration, and language work, they are able to support workers on the field in many different aspects of their lives.
Agency: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Prayer Requests:
- For God’s blessing on the students we have helped to train. As they serve minority language communities around the world, may they bring the peace of the Gospel and the good news of God’s Kingdom. Pray that those who are helping local people to translate the Bible will learn the local languages well, communicate effectively, and serve wholeheartedly.
- For safety and effectiveness as they make visits to their country of service. May they encourage and build up the coworkers they supervise.
- For more people from within the country to catch a vision for Bible translation, rather than waiting for expatriates to do the work. May the churches within the country form their own Bible translation agency, to recruit and send people from within the country for Bible translation!
Smith, Robert and Cirena
Countries: Philippines
Ministry Description: Assisting with church planting throughout the Philippines.
Prayer Requests:
- We praise the Lord for the time we have had during home-assignment as He has provided for us in many different ways.
- Pray for our remaining few months of home-assignment to go well and for our transition when returning to the Philippines.
- Pray for wisdom as we contend with various issues and challenges in the church planting process.
Toulassi, Boniface and Sarah
Countries: Various
Ministry Description: Aurora International equips the body of Christ with technology, digital media, and training to reach the unreached with the Gospel. Our ministry focuses on three areas: 1) Translating and recording the JESUS film in small indigenous languages in the Amazon 2) Training indigenous workers in Africa and South America how to use the JESUS film and audio Bible in their mother tongue to evangelize and disciple others in their people group in way that can be reproduced 3) Providing leadership training for indigenous pastors in Africa
Agency: and
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that the people who will be trained in Iquitos, Peru in March will make evangelism and discipleship a way of life and start small groups who will multiply.
- Pray for the planning and preparation for the Toulassi’s two month mission trip to Togo and W. Africa in June and July. Pray for God to arrange the evangelism and discipleship trainings, the training opportunities with church leaders and traditional leaders, and the JESUS film showings so that many more people will hear the gospel and accept Christ.
- Pray that 8 more languages of the JESUS film will be recorded this year in Peru and for expansion of this project to other countries like Colombia, Venezuela and Paraguay.
Van Meerveld, Stef and Christy
Countries: Various
Ministry Description: Stef and Christy van Meerveld have served with Ambassadors Football for more than 20 years. They have helped launch new works in North America, Asia and Europe and Stef has served regionally and globally in various leadership roles. They now oversee the work of Ambassadors Football in the Dallas area where they reside with their children Summer, Brooke and Hunter.
Wagura, Peter
Countries: Africa
Ministry Description: Alive To Serve is a community-based organization (CBO), based in north coast Kenya. We serve the community through a holistic approach which helps us to reach the local Muslim majority, as well as the non-Muslims. ATS is not a church, but it works with churches, schools and other community entities to help reach different tribes in the target mission field.
ATS operates in the following arms:
* Children’s ministry, which involves training ministers and hosting VBS across East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Ethiopia)
* Gracious Love Ministry (feeds and clothes orphans, elderly people, and kids with disabilities)
* Prison ministry in the Kenyan Coast
* Training church leaders through seminars
* Dignity Kits (supplying sanitary towels and underwear to the underprivileged girls in the villages)
Williams, Mark and Carolyn
Countries: US-based itinerant to various countries
Ministry Description: Discipleship Journeys with Jesus (DJJ) – Discipleship Journeys with Jesus is a discipleship ministry that helps fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission instruction to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:18-20) by providing free Bible studies/lessons that include videos recorded in the Holy Land and downloadable study guides. Our Bible Studies guide people worldwide at all levels of spiritual growth by challenging believers to be obedient to Biblical instruction one lesson & application at a time, live a life for God, and move toward full maturity in Jesus.
Woodard, Mark and Holly
Countries: Papua New Guinea
Ministry Description: Though the Mariama church is now under local Elder leadership, Mark and Holly are still involved with church planting. They serve as Directors of the Ethnos360 Interface program, leading students on short- term trips to Brazil and Papua New Guinea. While in PNG they administer the Mariama Village Christian School and continue discipleship of the Mariama and Anganamai churches. During the remaining eight months of the year, they serve as Directors of Mobilization for Ethnos360, raising the awareness of the need to reach those nations that have yet to hear the gospel in their own language. This involves speaking at university campuses, high schools, and bible schools in an effort to recruit young men and women for service around the world.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the church leadership (elders & deacons) among the newly planted tribal churches of Mariama & Anganamai, in Papua New Guinea. Pray for unity, love, and mutual edification & growth.
- Pray for our family as we face the separation of leaving our firstborn in the USA and continue to work in PNG. Pray that Allie, in college, will continue to grow in her walk with God and lean on Him as her steady rock.
- Pray for opportunities & continued open doors in PNG, as well as sensitivity to the Holy Spirit on our part. Thank you for standing and kneeling with us!
Yazzie, Ben and Tillie
Countries: USA
Ministry Description: To equip Native Christian leaders for ministry, establish and organize Native churches for ministry, and lead the Missions Door Native ministry team.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the leaders of the newly planted Navajo churches. It takes time to become established.
- Pray for believers from these newly established begin to see the importance of the great commission and learn to be faithful to the ministries other their churches.
- Pray for us as the Lord will give us wisdom and understanding to provide appropriate theological.