HSM Mexico Mission
The High School Ministry (HSM) is heading to Mexico!
And we need your help!!
Last year, HSM built TWO homes for families in extreme need. This year we are heading back to do it again! Our students provide the labor, but we need help to pay for the construction costs.
Additionally, we are going to:
(a) distribute food to families in the migrant camps
(b) serve at an orphanage
The trip is also a game-changer for our students. God does amazing things when we get out of our comfort zone to serve Him.
We’ve made it a goal to raise $24,000 to build two homes. Would you prayerfully consider supporting our HSM missionaries?
**You can donate by clicking on the GIVE link below. In the “FUND” dropdown box, select “HSM Mexico Missions.”**
Check out last years trip to get.a gilmpse into what the kids go out there and do!