*Men, it is with great disappointment that we are informing you of the cancelation of our up coming men’s retreat in Pali.

Unfortunately they have been effected tremendously by the fires in Big Bear, and feel like cancelation is the wise thing to do.

As for the retreat, we will reschedule it for the spring, God willing! In the mean time we will be refunding your money over the next week. *

PCC MEN’S RETREAT with special guest, Oscar Navarro

September 20-22, $225

Step away from the hustle of everyday life and join us for an invigorating weekend at Pali Retreat Center: • Archery • Ax throwing • Flag football • Basketball • Wilderness Navigation Experience • Hikes • Campfires with s’mores! • Inspiring worship and messages from Oscar Navarro

About Oscar:

Oscar Navarro, VP of Ministry Advancement for Living Waters, formerly served as Assistant VP at a major investment bank. A talented preacher and cultural commentator, he is on the boards of Safe Harbor International Relief, Spirit Christian Academy, and Elephant Cooperation. Oscar enjoys books, music, movies, and has three children with his wife, Kelli.


Every month we gather to eat good food, connect with other men at PCC, and be encouraged by God’s Word. Check back here soon for the date of our next one!

To get information about the next breakfast, 

text “PCCMEN” to 940-00


3-6 men meeting at least twice a month for connection, conversation, and prayer

Mission: To equip men to fulfill their Biblical roles through teaching, engaging them in relationships with other men, and encouraging them to understand and embrace God’s calling on their lives.

Vision: Men will be equipped to follow God’s design as servant leaders in all aspects of their lives.


  • Love God – our individual relationship with God is the most important thing about us.
  • Integrity – we will do what we say.
  • Brotherhood – to know and be known for accountability, encouragement, and support.
  • Humility – we will be open with one another.
  • Courage – we will step out in faith and trust God.


What is a Huddle Group?

A Huddle Group is a group of 3-6 men that meet for prayer, conversation, encouragement, and accountability. It’s our goal for every man in our church to be in a Huddle Group. Huddle groups are core to the Men’s Ministry at PCC. We are better together and you need to get connected!

We’ve found that the best groups are self-formed (we’ll equip your group to meet!), but we’d love to help you find one.

How can I get connected?

  • Text PCCMEN to 940-00 to be added to the text list.
  • Ask 3 or more friends if they’d like to meet 2-4 times a month for prayer, conversation, and support. Everyone will use the YOU VERSION BIBLE APP to read Scripture. (more info below)
  • If you would like us to put you in a Huddle Group, email Tony Elias-Calles.
  • Reading plans (completed through the “YouVersion” Bible app, link below) will be sent out by the church. These plans will form the basis of your Huddle discussions. They also serve as an avenue to establish a daily habit of getting in God’s Word. You can find our current reading plan on the left side of this page.

Ideally, your HUDDLE would meet at least twice a month, preferably in person. Everyone should read the same devotional in the YouVersion Bible APP between meetings. Don’t forget to leave comments! The following can serve as a guide to help direct your time together. Remember, this is just a guideline!

Begin with prayer—One person prays for your time together. (~1 min)

2 Minute Update—Everyone briefly shares the major details of their lives. Keep this short. We suggest 2 to 3 minutes for each person, or you won’t accomplish anything else! (~3 min per person)

Devotional Discussion—Everyone shares one or two things that made an impact from their personal readings of the devotional in YouVersion. (~3 min per person)

Accountability—You will find a list of accountability questions. Pick one or two and have each person share specifically about how they are doing. (~2 min per person)

End with sharing and prayer—Everyone shares their personal prayer needs (personal, not something like, “my brother’s son’s friend’s mother knows someone who might have a paper cut.” Maybe everyone prays. Maybe each person prays specifically for one other person – change it up! Do what works best for your group. (~5 min)

Accountability Discussion Starters

As a group, choose 1 to 3 questions to discuss. You can use the list below or create your own. Here are some ways you might use these starter questions:

  • Each individual can pick their question(s)
  • The entire group can answer the same question(s)
  • Each individual picks one question that represents an area of strength or victory, and another question is a struggle or opportunity for growth.

Accountability isn’t easy—but, it’s worth the risk! Be as transparent as possible—accountability only works when it’s honest.

WORSHIP—Has God been your top priority? What distractions have been competing for your time and attention? Have you consistently spent time alone with God in prayer and Scripture?

PURITY—Have you had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, or exposed yourself to explicit materials that would not glorify God? Have you kept your anger and pride under control?

SELF-CONTROL—Have you been controlling your anger, pride, greed, envy, substance abuse, eating, media intake, etc.? If you‘ve lacked self-control, how has this impacted your life?

GRATITUDE—Have you consistently expressed your thankfulness to God? What are five things you are thankful for today?

RELATIONSHIPS—Is your Christian walk evident in your most important relationships: spouse, kids, close friends, etc.? If not, how have you been struggling? Do you have any unresolved conflict that ought to be addressed? Is there someone you need to forgive?

WITNESS—How are your relationships with non-Christians? Have you encouraged or prayed for them specifically? If the time was right, and God provided the opportunity, would you speak up about your faith?

INTEGRITY—Is your faith in Jesus expressed in every area of your life: family, work, church, finances, free time, etc.? If not, where are you struggling? Have you been above reproach in your financial dealings?

HONESTY—Have you lied about any of your answers?


6:30 AM, Every Tuesday, at PCC Campus

It’s pretty simple, we meet every Tuesday for Coffee and Prayer.

You can also join us online –

Questions? Email Tom M for more info.


We Are Better Together!

We are designed to be connected, CLICK HERE to learn more about our groups.